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PT Bostik Indonesia, in cooperation with PT Telkom Indonesia, PT Pembangkit Listrik Jawa Bali were sponsoring three days cycling event in Bali from 23-25 February 2018.
This event is arranged by Brompton Monas Cyclist, a cycling community from various professional background.
This cycling community has regular cycling exercise located at National Monument in Jakarta (Monas loop).
Total participants of 60 people cycling safely during this event, from Nusa Dua to Kintamani with total distance of 81 km and total elevation of more than 1,300 meters. 
You can find more information of the event from the link as mention below: 
As people familiar with Bostik sponsoring Tour de France, BMC Goes To Bali event brings successful opportunity to build brand awareness of Bostik to the community with various professions.