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To achieve some of the most astounding design trends in the 21st Century requires adhesives that can be mixed and applied in a variety of conditions, applications and varying weights and types of tiles.

Cementitious tile adhesives: Smart innovations

Using Bostik's ceramic tile adhesives for your wall or flooring offers many advantages – both during application and over the life of your installation. When installing ceramic tiles, an emulsion or ready-mix adhesive is often perfect for the job and will simplify ease of application.

Bostik offers a broad mix of cementitious adhesives that come in the form of a powder for easy transportation that is long lasting and can be easily mixed on site. Furthermore, the broad range of cementitious and polymer modified adhesives in the ASA range are purpose made to allow tiles of varying sizes to stick to walls, floors, interior and exterior applications.


  • Polymer-modified tile adhesives
  • Two part premium tile adhesives
  • Rigid set cementitious tile adhesives
  • Fast set tile adhesives

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