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Brands including Bostik Blu-Tack®, Bostik Clag® and Bostik Glu Stik have been well known and trusted. Whether its sticking paper into a book for a school project or sticking an important sales chart to a wall, no stationery cupboard will be complete without them. So whatever your stationery adhesive needs may be, Bostik has you covered!

Multipurpose Adhesives: For just about anything and everything

Thousands of uses and thousands applications around  the home, office and school, Bostik Blu-Tack® and Bostik Blu-Tack® Colour are designed to be as versatile and user friendly as possible with the added advantage of being re-usable time and time again.

PVA Glues: Non-staining and non-toxic - the ideal glue that is safe for kids.

If you are looking for a glue that is safe for children and has excellent adhesive qualities, Bostik offers a range of products to suit your needs. You can rest assured that any product selected from the range will be an ideal general purpose hobby adhesive.

Stationery adhesives: Smart innovations

At Bostik, we make a considerable effort to ensure that our stationery products are safe to use. Many of our formulas are non-toxic which means that all of our products are safe to use for you, your children, your family and your work colleagues.

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Craft & Hobby Adhesive
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