Brands and countries

Airlines serve thousands of passengers from various cultures worldwide, which can make it difficult to ensure everyone understands and follows proper procedures during a flight. Fortunately, certain cues built into the aircraft design can make it easier. Here are simple ways your aircraft interior designs can aid passengers for a streamlined, improved flight experience:

Apply Visual Cues More Broadly

Currently, airlines do a good job of using pictographs for basic visual cues, such as safety instructions. However, these pictographs can be used more broadly throughout the aircraft interior design for increased passenger understanding and efficiencies. These include:

  • Colors to help passengers more easily find the right seat
  • Images to demonstrate how to place luggage in overheard bin
aircraft interior designs

Consider Alternative Types of Cues

While visual cues are helpful, other ways aircraft interiors can help increase understanding for passengers include using the following:

  • Structure
  • Texture
  • Scent
  • Sound

These types of cues resonate with people’s subconscious. For example, sound can be used to help people feel more relaxed on board. Also, the right texture or scent can help reduce tension for passengers and put them more at ease. Further, warm colors can increase a feeling of safety and comfort.

By following these cues, airlines can also serve to increase a passenger’s perception of the aircraft; they associate the flight experience with being comfortable, safe and relaxing, which can lead to increased ticket sales.

How to Make These Cues a Reality in Your Aircraft Designs

As Aircraft Interior International cites, it’s important for aircraft interior designers to consider the following:

  1. What are current obstacles that passengers experience when on board, especially ones traveling internationally?
  2. What areas of improvement exist to ensure everyone can have a better flight? For example, the boarding process could be made more efficient with proper cues to guide people to their seats.
  3. How can passengers’ state of mind be improved while on board?

It’s also a good idea for designers to understand that the changes don’t have to be large in order to have the intended effect, improving passenger experience and increasing airline revenue.


Bostk manufactures smart aircraft interior adhesives designed to further enhance passenger experience and safety. Contact an expert today to learn how these solutions can help you aid passengers worldwide for smooth flights. You can also review this helpful content:

-Articles in Aircraft Interiors International
-What Direction Could Aircraft Interiors be Heading?
-Do Your Aircraft Interior Designs Improve Utility?

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