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On episode 14, Jack speaks with Adam Greenberg and Vicki Wolpoff from NorthShore Care Supply and Diane Toonen from Bostik about the incontinence market in the United States. Adam, Vicki, and Diane discuss the condition itself, before giving their perspectives and insights on the demographics of those suffering, NorthShore's experience in the market, and the challenges being faced by elderly care homes and their residents.

To deal with medical conditions efficiently, we need to understand their causes, effects, and who they are affecting. Most importantly, we must also break down the stigma that comes with them. If there's stigma, having the right conversation can be challenging, let alone finding the proper approach. In Part 1 of this episode of "Attached to Hygiene," host Jack Hughes is joined by Bostik's Global Marketing Director, Diane Toonen, NorthShore Care Supplies' Director of Marketing and Communications, Vicki Wolpoff, and NorthShore Owner and Founder, Adam Greenberg to give us an intro to incontinence and how it is affecting people in the US.

Incontinence: Why is it an interesting case?

Incontinence, when broadly explained, is the inability to voluntarily control urination and defecation. Generally, it is a medical condition that people exclusively associate with old age – only that it's not. Statistics show a wide range of demographics struggle with incontinence. It doesn't only affect the aging. In the US alone, 80 million people deal with some form of incontinence. In this 80 million, 1/3 are under 30, an age bracket that is most certainly considered young. Statistics also show that 1 in 4 adults struggle with bladder dysfunction, and 8% of the population face incontinence with bowel. Aside from the astounding numbers, what's even more interesting is how behind the US is when it comes to the issue. One factor that affects the current approach to the dilemma is stigma. Stigma contributes to the study that found those with the heaviest loss of bowel control are the ones who are also most likely not to seek medical care. The more impact the condition creates, the more likely the affected individual is to hide away from any sort of attention.


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Outline of the Episode

  • [03:07]    The Founder of NorthShore, Adam Greenberg's personal experience with incontinence.
  • [05:12]    Incontinence is a complex market segment.
  • [07:22]    NorthShore's multi-year approach to familiarizing themselves with struggles from incontinence.
  • [11:16]     People want to be normal in three different ways.
  • [14:01]    Breaking down Incontinence, its effects, who it affects, and where it comes from.
  • [17:58]    80 million people are managing different levels of incontinence.
  • [21:33]    On whom does NorthShore focus the most?
  • [23:53]    The leading reason why eldery people go into nursing homes.
  • [26:34]    How did COVID affect assisted living facilities, and where does NorthShore come in?
  • [29:44]    Work and wastes can be lessened!


Recommended Resources


You can find Adam Greenberg, Diane Toonen, and Vicki Wolpoff on LinkedIn, or you can leave them a message through our email at [email protected].
Also, follow NorthShore on the following links below:



Subscribe to “Attached to Hygiene” and never miss an episode!

You can email us with questions, comments, or ideas for future episodes at [email protected].

Host: Jack Hughes

Music by Jonathan Boyle

Produced and edited by: Jack Hughes with help from Paul Andrews, Michele Tonkovitz, Emory Churness, Nikki Ackerman, and Green Onion Creative.

See also

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