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Slated for exponential growth now though 2028, the automotive body in white market is seeing high demand as car production rises worldwide. In addition to meeting these high output demands, manufacturers must also increase fuel efficiency and reduce vehicle weight. Find out how an alternative to PVC for body in white structural bonding applications helps you meet those needs and improve operations overall.

Introducing Elastosols for Body in White Applications

Designed for bonding metals with a clean or oily surface, elastosols are mono-component, sulfur-cured polybutadienes ideal for the following structural bonding applications:

  • Hem flange
  • Anti-flutter
  • Spot weld
  • High module

A lightweight structural bonding option, they offer several advantages to manufacturing process, such as:

1. Increased Safety

Solvent, epoxy and PVC-free, elastosols are also free of chlorine. As a result, they yield no corrosive fumes when spot welding and pose less of a threat to workers than other available options.

2. Enhanced Versatility

Additionally, elastosols adhere to many substrates and are tolerant toward oily coatings. This versatility provides reassurance to manufacturers that one type structural bonding adhesive technology will work across applications and substrates.

3. Streamlined Processes

Furthermore, elastosols are designed for automated assembly lines. Reducing downtime issues, they offer strong bonding while requiring less adhesive to be used. Elastosols also possess a long shelf life of 12 months. This extended shelf life time helps make production processes easier for manufacturers; they can rest assured their product will offer the ideal performance many months after purchase.

Bostik manufactures smart elastosols designed to improve your operational efficiencies and vehicle performance overall. For more information on these solutions, view this helpful content:

You can also get in touch with one of our representatives today.

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