Jul 10, 2020 - 10 min
On-Demand Webinar: Understanding Your Adhesive Needs in Filtration
As a filter manufacturer, it's common to use numerous adhesives throughout your assembly process. However, are your adhesives providing maximum end-use performance and improved production efficiencies? Check out this on-demand webinar to better understand your filtration needs!
In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn:
In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn:
- Filtration market trends and how they impact your adhesive choice
- Different adhesive technologies and their uses in filtration
- Advantages of working with Bostik
Meet the Filtration Webinar Presenter
Derek Hofsess is Bostik's Business Development Manager and Global Filtration Market Coordinator. Since starting his career at Bostik in 2013 as a Technical Service Engineer, he has helped grow our company's presence in the filtration market especially by understanding key market trends and customer needs.
"I look forward to discussing the role adhesives play in filtration and what to consider to ensure your adhesive needs and performance requirements are met."
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Derek Hofsess is Bostik's Business Development Manager and Global Filtration Market Coordinator. Since starting his career at Bostik in 2013 as a Technical Service Engineer, he has helped grow our company's presence in the filtration market especially by understanding key market trends and customer needs.
"I look forward to discussing the role adhesives play in filtration and what to consider to ensure your adhesive needs and performance requirements are met."
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