Jan 18, 2024 - 5 minutes
Adhesives Support Consistent Product Performance in Absorbent Hygiene
Consumers look for reliability in the products they buy and the performance they expect day after day. The right adhesives—and suppliers—can help you deliver it.
Variety may be the spice of life, but when it comes to absorbent hygiene products, consumers want consistency. They expect the products you produce to look, act, feel, and perform the same every time.
In baby diapers, period care, and adult incontinence articles, examples are easy to find. Pads need to adhere to the user’s underwear day after day. Elastics in the waist and legs should stretch and fit the way your consumers have come to rely on whilst delivering comfort. And of course, consistent core integrity to help prevent leaks.
To ensure product reliability, no matter when or which one of your facilities produces it, you need the right tools. Three key areas to consider include:
- Dependable materials and support from your suppliers
- Consistent operational and production practices
- Uniform guidelines and expectations in product quality testing
The role of adhesives in consumer satisfaction
Adhesives are an essential item for consideration, as they affect product integrity, elastic performance, pad attachment, and more. To help you ensure consistent performance and consumer satisfaction, start by taking a close look at:
- Your current choice of adhesive, and its ability to support:
- Consumer confidence in your product
- Your other goals, such as profitability, operational efficiency, and sustainability
- Your various adhesive application points within the absorbent article
- The effectiveness of add-on levels and application criteria (via product audits to determine optimum performance)
- Your supplier’s benefits beyond the adhesive, including:
- Additional product offerings, support services, and testing capabilities
- A secure and stable supply chain in the face of changing world circumstances
- Capacity to support manufacturing plants across the globe
- Open sharing of valuable knowledge through whitepapers, webinars, podcasts, and videos
The importance of performance testing
There are many areas within the diaper that should be assessed regularly to ensure consistent performance. This includes the core, construction materials/substrates, elastics, and so on.
Your organisation may already have the time, resources, equipment, and controlled laboratory space needed for testing these components and the adhesive applications used. If not, we can help That’s just another benefit of partnering with Bostik.
Learn about the benefits of adhesive performance data—peel, shear, creep, stay-in-place, etc.—for your consistency goals when you read ‘Understanding the Strength Behind Absorbent Hygiene Adhesive Testing’
You can also take advantage of our advanced training, testing, and market trends services. Learn more when you read ‘Grow Your Knowledge of Absorbent Hygiene to Deliver What Consumers Want’.