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Welcome to your Bostik Design-Build Resource Centre where Architects, Designers and Specifiers can explore extreme design possibilities, product information, best practices and resources for working with Bostik Adhesives, Sealants, Waterproofing, Acoustic and Tiling products.

At Bostik, we know that every built environment has its heroes—even if they don’t always get the credit they deserve. Bostik adhesives and grouts can aesthetically transform environments, extend their lifetimes and even dampen sound. And if nobody notices, it probably means we helped get the job done right the first time.


Bostik provides Architects and Interior Designers a broad range of unique, reliable products to support ambitious design for a wide range of built environments and applications, from healthcare to hospitality. Our extensive range of products provides comprehensive building solutions for commercial and residential projects. Through every stage of your project, Bostik provides the products and support for specifications that stick and ensure your project gets done right—and on time.

Feel free to contact us if you wish to discuss any facets of your design project, or if you have any questions relating to our products. Our specification team will work with you to design a practical solution that will meet Australian Building Code requirements.
