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In today’s fast-paced environment, industries change rapidly. Nowhere is this more evident than the packaging marketplace, where emerging innovations drive changes at a rate that even the most experienced industry professionals may find difficult to keep up. Fortunately, when it comes to hot melt innovations, industrial businesses can rest assured that Bostik has done the legwork.

Bostik quickly stepped up to meet the challenges offered by these new systems. Collaborating with allied suppliers and channel partners, our labs experimented with product forms that achieved high through-put rates, while maintaining the quality and consistency of formulation that our customers expect.

Throughout the process, our various test products underwent extensive marketing and technical vetting process. The result?

Bostik’s mini pastille: a half moon-shaped hot-melt pellet designed especially for melt-on-demand systems. Traditionally, pastilles have ranged from eleven and thirteen millimeters in diameter with a rounded edge. By contrast, mini pastilles are roughly half that size and feature a flat, rather than a rounded, edge.

Designed to replace their larger cousins in almost every hot melt application, mini pastilles offer packaging professionals significant benefits — and not just for those who have switched to melt-on-demand systems.

Put simply: don’t let size fool you. Bostik’s mini pastille offers big benefits for every hot melt application.

Benefit #1: Increased Efficiency

Bostik’s mini pastilles are the perfect size to for vacuum-feed efficiency. Their smaller surface size allows for swift, easy transport from packaging to melt tank. Their size also ensures a speedy melt once the pastille has entered the tank itself.

Benefit #2: Char Reduction

Exposure to large amounts of heat and oxygen during the melt process can lead to the formation of an unpleasant residue known as char that inhibits the vacuum-feeding process. However, the design of the mini pastille significantly reduces char formation, ensuring that the melt results in little to no product waste.

Benefit #3: System Compatible

Mini pastilles are highly compatible with the new melt-on-demand systems offered by our allied hot melt tank suppliers. In fact, in our labs, Bostik chemists discovered that mini pastilles provide melt rates of up to thirty pounds per hour in these new systems. Talk about high through-put manufacturing!

Benefit #4: Safety

For some of our customers, traditional pastilles caused concern over potential slippage on the factory floor. The flat edge of the mini pastille, which tends to grip the floor, actively combats that slippage. Packaging professionals can rest assured that mini pastilles may be used safely in a factory setting by diminishing hazards on the floor.

While the packaging marketplace will continue to advance rapidly, Bostik remains poised to respond to and even advance the industry. Our skilled global team reacts quickly to emerging trends. Together with our ever-expanding marketing and technical capabilities, we make fast, accurate decisions that anticipate our customers’ needs, often even before they ask.

One order of mini pastilles and we think you’ll understand why Bostik is a leader in hot-melt packaging adhesives. Smart Adhesives, smart ideas.
