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Traditionally, rail transportation engineers and manufacturers rely on mechanical fasteners to ensure sturdy, long-lasting adhesion between flooring materials and underlying structural components. But recent advances chemical bonding now offer enticing new reasons to switch from mechanical to elastic bonding.

Here are some of the most compelling:

1) Weight

Chemical bonds simply weigh less than nuts, bolts or any other mechanical fastener. This lighter bond also allows for the use of lighter-weight composite flooring materials. When chemical bonds and lighter composite flooring replace traditional mechanics, the result is a lighter-weight rail car with faster, more fuel-efficient on-rail performance.

2) Material Preservation

During mechanical fastener application, drilling always risks irreparable damage. Chemical bonding, by contrast, preserves the integrity of flooring materials such as fiberglass composite, phenolic composite, polycarbonate, polymeric material, carbon fiber, etc. In the process, it reduces the overall waste potential of the production process.

3) Vibration Reduction

When using mechanical fasteners, manufacturers are forced to insert additional layers of padding and insulation to reduce vibration and sound noise. By contrast, elastic bonding offers inherent vibration dampening and sound deadening properties.

4) Efficiency

How many bolts does the average rail manufacturing project require? Often, the number is sixty or more of differing sizes and specs. Manufacturers who turn to elastic bonding instead no longer require dozens of products when just one case of adhesive will suffice.

5) Simplicity

Bonding requires less-specialized processes than welding or other fastening techniques. Adhesives may cost more up front, but one adhesive often covers several applications. Adhesives also render high-paid application specialists unnecessary and expand options for robotic manufacturing.

6) Safety

Elastic bonds also include life-saving fire retardant properties that mechanical fasteners simply can’t match, thereby reducing a rail car’s overall susceptibility to flame, smoke and toxicity. By switching to elastic bonding, manufactures can enhance the safety of their products, both for those who construct and those who will eventually use them.

These are just six of many reasons to make the switch from mechanical fasteners to elastic bonding. Have you considered the benefits for your enterprise? Let Bostik help you discover the many benefits of bonding . . . and keep your rail production moving at the speed of business.
